We are in Beire. Today is our first day. We are very happy and having fun. The teachers are very funny and good. We have 6 English teachers: Zoe is 23 years old from Scotland. Callumis is vegetarian and he loves rock music. Pete is from Wales, He loves rugby, Basquetball and music. Paul is from Ireland he loves football, rugby and sky, his favorite team is Manch. United. Manson is from Nigeria, he loves dancing, singing, cooking  and tell Storys. We are 47 students from: Gabiria, Bidania, Albiztur, Berastegi and Aduna.
By: Eider, Nahia and Leire.
See you soon.
Aupa Aduna!!!

0 Responses

  1. Ze ondo pasatzen ari diren gure neska mutilak!!! Asmatuko ote dute bueltakoan gurekin euskeraz hitzegiten!! Ondo pasa eta muxu haundi bat denontzat.

  2. Teachers, we miss you too but we are having a really good time. We have very good teachers.

Utzi erantzuna

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