The Atlantis hotel is taller than Dorada Palace. The hotel Atlantis is a holiday hoteland. It is in the Palm island Jumeirah in Dubai. The hotel Atlantis was inagurated on 20 of november 2008. The hotel Atlantis are two towers linked by a bridge and the hotel has 2.000 bedrooms. The Atlantis hotel includes a water park. This hotel is the tallest of the Palm.
By: Eider Barranco.
Horrea gustora joango nintzateke.
It must be very expensive to stay at this hotel!!!
Do you know how much does it cost???
Oso ondo informazio asko dauka zorionak Eider!!!!!!
Thank you very much for your question!!! We will work on it this afternoon in the English class and we are going to let you know.
To sleep one night in hotel Atlantis palm one room: two adults and three children in one room two beds double and one bed normal,cost 1.178euros.
To sleep one night in palm of atlantis hotel.
2 adults and 2 children cost 1.790€.
Suite Club Terrace 2 rooms, for 2 adults and 4 children cost 2305€.