Mundiala izan da Mattinek erretrasmititzen duen errealaren gola!!!
It was the longest goal celebration ever!
It was very funny.
I like Real Sociedad Lets go
It was the longest goal celebration ever
It was very funny
I like Real Sociedad!
it was very fuuny!!
You’d be a commentato
Mattin was the best guest!
I like Real Sociedad. Let's go!
I wish i ad your voice!
That was great, congratulations!
I like your conversation
It was very embarrassing
I like Real sociedad lest go!!!
You’d be a good comentator.
Ir was very funny!
Wow!!! That was very good
That was so funny!
Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude
Iruzkina *
Izena *
E-posta *
Gorde nire izena, emaila eta webgunea bilatzaile honetan komentatzen dudan hurrengorako.
It was the longest goal celebration ever!
It was very funny.
I like Real Sociedad Lets go
It was the longest goal celebration ever
It was very funny
I like Real Sociedad!
It was very funny
it was very fuuny!!
You’d be a commentato
Mattin was the best guest!
I like Real Sociedad. Let's go!
I wish i ad your voice!
That was great, congratulations!
I like your conversation
It was very embarrassing
I like Real sociedad lest go!!!
You’d be a good comentator.
Ir was very funny!
Wow!!! That was very good
That was so funny!